Kenya imekuwa a residence of evil.
The chief justice sleeps on cases ndo adraw conclusions…while the better option imegeuka kuwa the aider of abductions. The Patriots have turned to paytriots. Safaricon. Twawezesha
Wanafurahia wakibreak nchi yetu, wanasherehekea wakikula jasho yetu.
Bunge imekuwa pigsty, the people are mad but the pigs love it.
Where there is a bill there is a way, nikama ŕeign ya nabii itaendelea over hills and valleys too
From beautiful lies from the beerholder tumejipata in the hands of a poacher.
Gun kwa one hand the other two arms task ikiwa kuongeza levies na taxes through bills or bullets.
Heckle za umati kwake ni heko kwa mauaji.
Anaumiza wakenya bure with scorched earth policies like SHIF which zinalimit our existence.
Since colonialism, the master baiters have been casting their nest for more opportunities, their big tummies in tow, goal ikiwa kuongeza their net worth… while kwa ground small fish wako hooked kwa poverty wanastruggle kufind a real catch kwa hii town… post election clarity inawafanya wajiulize is this life really worth?
Tumekuwa schooled for long kama fish na hauneed ku scale back ndo urealize hii vita all along imekuwa ya macatfish na magoldfish
So unless we change the narrative
Tukumbuke kutosahau
Iwe ni kejani pen and paper kwa diary, au nje mkichill na mabeshte kwa bar
Even our daily standards of vibing zitakuwa lowered.